Involuntary resettlement instruments according to IFC (part 1)

According to International Finance Corporation ( IFC ), different planning instruments are used to achieve the objectives for the OP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement policy, by type of project:

a) Resettlement Plan Scope and detail level of the resettlement plan varies according to the magnitude and complexity of the relocation. The plan is based on updating reliable information about (i) the proposed resettlement and its impact on the displaced individuals and other groups adversely affected, and (ii) legal issues related to the resettlement.

b) Abbreviated Resettlement Plan in case the effects on the entire population displaced are minimal, or if the number of displaced persons is less than two hundred.

c) Resettlement Policy Framework For sector investment operations that may involve involuntary resettlement, the Bank requires the project’s executing agency to monitor subprojects to be financed by the Bank to ensure its coherence with the operational program. For these operations, the borrower shall submit a resettlement policy framework conforming to the policy before assessment. The framework estimates to the extent possible the total population displaced and the general resettlement costs.

d) Process Framework For projects involving access restriction, the borrower shall file a project process framework to the Bank pursuant to the relevant provisions of OP 4.12 as a condition for the assessment. Additionally, during project execution and before applying the restriction, the borrower shall elaborate an action plan, acceptable to the Bank, describing the actual measures to be carried out to help the displaced individuals and the provisions for their application.

Contents of the instruments : Involuntary resettlement Plan

1. Project Description. General overview of the project and identification of the affected area.

2. Potential Impacts. Identification of (i) components or activities to activate the resettlement, (ii) impact area of these components or activities, (iii) alternatives considered in order to minimize or avoid the resettlement, and (iv) mechanisms established to minimize the relocation during the project implementation.

3. Main Goals of the Resettlement Program.

4. Socioeconomic Studies. Findings of socioeconomic studies developed in preparing the project with the involvement of potential individuals to be displaced. These should at least include: (A) Results of the census coverage, (i) current occupants of the affected area, (ii) characteristics of the homes to be displaced, including a description of their way of life, home organization, baseline information (e.g.: source of income, economical activities, health), (iii) magnitude of the expected losses and the extent of physical and economic displacement, (iv) information of the vulnerable groups and/or individuals, (v) provisions to update the information of persons to be displaced and their standard of living in order to have the most current information at the time of displacement. (B) Other studies describing (i) land occupancy and land transfer systems, (ii) patterns for social interaction in the affected communities, including social networks and support systems, and how they will be affected by the project; (iii) public infrastructure and social services to be affected, and (iv) social and cultural characteristics of the displaced communities, including a description of formal and informal institutions.

5. Legal Framework.

6. Institutional Framework.

7. Eligibility. Cut-off date and definition of individuals to be displaced and criteria to determine their eligibility for compensation and other resettlement assistance.

8. Valuation and Compensation for Losses.

9. Resettlement Measures. Description of compensation measures and other resettlement measures.

10. Selection of Site, Preparation and Relocation. (i) Institutional and technical agreements to identify and prepare the relocation sites, (ii) all the measures needed to avoid speculation, (iii) procedures for the physical relocation in the project framework, including the terms for preparation of site and transfer, and (iv) the legal provisions for regularization of the occupancy and transfer of titles to the resettled.

11. Housing, Infrastructure and Social Services. Provision of plans for housing, infrastructure and social services, in addition to any other development necessary for the site.

12. Protection and Management of the Environment Description of limits for the relocation area, and evaluation of the environmental impact of the proposed resettlement and measures to mitigate and control these impacts.

13. Community Involvement. Participation of the resettled and host communities, (i) description of the strategy for consultation and participation of resettled individuals and hosts in the design and implementation of resettlement activities; (ii) a summary of the opinions expressed and how these were taken into account to prepare the resettlement plan; (iii) revision of the resettlement alternatives and decisions made by the displaced individuals regarding the options available to them, (iv) institutional agreements so the displaced persons may communicate their concerns to the authorities, as well as measures to ensure that vulnerable groups are adequately represented.

14. Integration with Host Populations. Measures to mitigate the impact of the resettlement on the host communities, including (i) consultations with local communities and local governments; (ii) provisions for the prompt tender of any payment; (iii) provisions to deal with any conflict, and (iv) necessary measures to increase services in the communities.

15. Complaint and Grievance Procedures.

16. Organizational Responsibilities. The institutional framework for executing the resettlement, including identification of the agencies responsible for delivery of resettlement measures and provision of services; measures to ensure appropriate coordination between agencies and jurisdictions involved in the implementation.

17. Execution Calendar.

18. Costs and Budgets.

19. Monitoring and Assessment.

See also:
Involuntary resettlement instruments according to IFC (part 2)

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