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Sustainability Branding for Business Leaders

The world is changing! Step out of your ivory tower, engage with your stakeholders


CEOs now say that sustainability is essential for success


consumers are more likely to buy from companies that take sustainability seriously


consumers want companies to stand for social issues.


millennials want companies to publicly pledge to be good corporate citizens

Social and environmental considerations are increasingly intertwined. Initiatives that take into consideration both aspects have the highest chance to be successful. Business leaders all over the world take notice and put in places mechanisms that increase their brand equity through sustainability branding.

Sustainability brands are those that have a culture that integrates environmental, economic and social considerations into their business practices.

There is a wealth of environmental initiatives to choose from

There are several environmental Initiatives to choose from

Environmental projects are not sufficient anymore. Social initiatives are gaining traction!


Even environmental projects are social by nature!

Considering environmental initiatives in isolation from the influence of key stakeholders is not sustainable anymore.

From an environmental standpoint alone project 2 is the clear winner. But its potential for social amplification is much lower than that of project 1.

Using a sustainability brand approach, one that considers both the results from an environmental assessment and the potential for social amplification with a serious impact analysis, changes everything.

Socially amplified environmental projects yield the biggest business impact
Get more information on social on Boréalis Environmental Performance package

Business leaders have to consider the social impact just as much as the environmental impact of their decisions

Wise business leaders will consider the social impact of their environmental initiative to maximize the business results of their projects.

  • Get to know your key stakeholders
  • Establish a trusting relationship
  • Consider your key stakeholders for shortlisting your sustainability initiatives
  • Use social impact assessment for selecting your next environmental projects
  • Clearly communicate your environmental projects with your key stakeholders

The business results of your successful environmental projects will be amplified and you will reap the benefits of improved brand equity.

Sustainability branding

Sustainability branding is the process of creating and maintaining an identity of a specific product, service, or business that reflects special added value in terms of environmental and social benefits.
The initiatives that are perceived as credible and impactful by key stakeholder groups or individuals will have a disproportionate impact on business results. Boréalis Stakeholder Management Software can help with the assessment, the planning, the monitoring and the reporting of sustainability brands.

Amplify the impact of your sustainability programs with world-class stakeholder management

Helping organizations take their social performance further.

Boréalis offers stakeholder engagement management software that minimize unexpected risks, ensure compliance, and secure social license to operate. Our solutions simplify communications with stakeholders. With over 6000 users in 40 countries, Boréalis is the world leader in stakeholder relations management software.