How to engage stakeholders and strengthen your strategy

The Stakeholder Engagement module in Borealis gives you the tools to build more effective stakeholder engagement plans, improve relationships with stakeholders and align processes with industry best practices.
  • Stakeholder Engagement Module

Focus on stakeholder
relationship management.
Let Borealis manage your data.

The Stakeholder Engagement Management module centralizes all stakeholder data
and keeps it right at your fingertips to simplify day-to-day tasks.
Always know who your stakeholders are and where they stand
  • Create a central registry of all individuals, organizations and households that are stakeholders in your project.
  • Unify all your stakeholder information under one platform by importing their information from your other databases quickly and easily.
  • Map them along with their affiliations to better understand their influence and concerns.
  • Use the handy reporting features to give management a real-time picture of the ever-evolving stakeholder relationship landscape.
Build stakeholder engagement plans on reliable data
  • Get real-time view of your progress on stakeholder engagement activities as the project unfolds, and quickly adjust course as needed.
  • Build separate engagement plans for key individuals and stakeholder groups.
  • Link your plans to project assets and objectives.
  • Plan upcoming stakeholder management tasks, delegate team members and send automatic reminders to staff to avoid oversights.
  • Monitor workloads and track team progress to quickly adjust course if needed.

Record and track all engagements and communications

  • Easily record all interactions with stakeholders, whether in person, by phone/SMS, in emails or even on social media. Keep your notes on your discussions in one place for ease of access.
  • Link them to the appropriate stakeholder engagement management plan for a lasting institutional memory.
  • Access these records at any time to ensure timely and appropriate follow-up.
A single, integrated platform ensures your whole stakeholder management team is on the same page, while customizable dashboards give individual team members access to data critical to them.

The network of interacting stakeholders in a large project can quickly become overwhelming. Your teams must be able to work successfully with everyone who has an interest in your project: government agencies, regulatory bodies, NGOs, local businesses, labor unions, the community, the media, Indigenous leaders, activist organizations, special interest groups, and internal stakeholders, to name just a few.

Analyzing the stakeholder landscape is only the beginning of forging successful stakeholder relationships. Your teams will need to identify and monitor their interests and opinions about various aspects of your project, track communications, plan future communications, and manage all this in an environment of rapid change.

What is stakeholder engagement?

Whether developing a new pipeline, constructing a highway or building a new landfill site, your project will impact many people and organizations. From local residents to Indigenous & environmental groups to politicians at every level of government, each stakeholder has concerns and input to be heard and addressed. Engaging with these groups, called stakeholder engagement, is a long-term, multi-faceted process which can be difficult to manage and keep track of, as the participants, circumstances and issues are fluid and ever-changing.

Borealis has been recognized as the market’s most advanced stakeholder engagement software and is home to the largest community of practice in building and maintaining stakeholder relationships. With its integrated analytics, mobile-ready applications, and user-friendly interface, everyone on your project can work with the latest and most complete stakeholder information.

Getting on top of your stakeholder relationships will help you get ahead of emerging issues and generate solutions that will meet the needs of everyone involved.

Features that simplify your stakeholder engagement activities

Record all emails and stakeholder contact info in Borealis straight from your email environment with just a few clicks and whether you use Outlook or Gmail.
Quickly send out personalized emails to multiple stakeholders based on selected criteria and keep track of those communications
Enter, view, and manage stakeholder data, create tasks and search for communications from any location on your mobile device.
Connections to
Other Apps

Easily connect your other business-related apps to the Borealis app to improve your workflows and ensure nothing gets overlooked.

  • Borealis Mobile App

Improve your knowledge of stakeholder engagement best practices

With over 15 years in the industry, Borealis has built a highly regarded community of practice in stakeholder engagement. Learn more about stakeholder engagement best practices and how our tools can help you turn your plans into action
Step by Step Guide

Step-by-step guide for building a solid stakeholder engagement plan

If the success of your project depends on stakeholder acceptance, get out in front of any potential difficulties by building a stakeholder relationship management plan early. Your initial plan is the base from which you’ll initiate your engagement activities. Learn more with our informative guide.
Maintain Constructive Relationship
Maintaining constructive relationships with stakeholders
Stakeholder networks and your relationships with them are not static. A good engagement strategy is flexible enough to accommodate changes, accessible for easy input, and proactive enough to anticipate potential stumbling blocks. Find out how our tools make it simple for all team members to maintain and optimize your stakeholder management plan, even from our mobile app.
Stakeholder Engagement Methodology
Gains that can be Achieved with the Stakeholder Engagement Methodology
Even a modest stakeholder engagement plan has thousands of data points that need to be organized and tracked and dozens of people interacting with multiple stakeholders. A methodology made up of spreadsheets and email folders eat up time and present privacy concerns. Read about the best methodology for stakeholder engagement and how Borealis software can help you put it into practice.
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Contact us

See how we can configure Borealis to your needs to improve your stakeholder data management today.

Manage all environmental, social, and
governance aspects from a single platform.
Simply add other modules as needed.

Stakeholder Engagement Software FAQ

Meaningful engagement is driven by the desire to listen to people who will be affected by your project and understand their perspectives and concerns. To build trusted, mutually beneficial relationships, it’s important to reach out to stakeholders early and often, and to show them that you respect their wishes by incorporating this feedback into your plans. Stakeholder engagement is an ongoing process, and multiple communication channels can help you create and maintain an active dialogue. These might include public meetings, newsletters, social media, online portals, and dedicated helplines. However, keeping track of these many interactions is crucial! For medium to large projects, stakeholder engagement software plays an essential role, helping teams efficiently summarize feedback and coordinate outreach activities. Beyond that, stakeholder engagement software allows teams to track, centralize, and analyze project data, which can greatly improve efficiency and collaboration around managing stakeholder engagement. 

By engaging stakeholders, you ensure that their needs and concerns are taken into account from the very beginning. This can help identify potential problems and challenges early in the process and allows you to work together to come up with innovative solutions. Stakeholder engagement software facilitates the process by keeping everyone informed about the feedback received and how you are addressing any concerns. Stakeholder engagement enhances your public image by making operations more transparent. You can use data from your stakeholder engagement software to inform regulators and investors about your efforts to include all your stakeholders in your decision-making process. 

Stakeholder engagement is fundamental to social performance. It allows organizations to identify and mitigate social impacts and risks, helping build trusted relationships and a positive reputation. Through engagement, organizations gain access to diverse perspectives that improve decision-making, foster innovation, and uncover new opportunities. Moreover, engaging with stakeholders is often a regulatory requirement. In large-scale projects, implementing appropriate stakeholder engagement software can become a business necessity for regulatory compliance and risk management. Stakeholder engagement platforms can also help an organization align their operations with the expectations and needs of affected parties, making it vital for organizations that want to remain competitive in a socially and environmentally conscious landscape. 

A stakeholder engagement plan is a guide that outlines a strategic approach to communicate with the different groups of people who will be affected by a project. It helps an organization manage expectations, decisions, risks, and issues by ensuring that their stakeholders’ needs and concerns are addressed. The plan should be based on a thorough stakeholder analysis; a process that involves identifying the key stakeholders for a project, along with their levels of interest and influence. From there, teams determine the best means of engaging with these people, how often to communicate, and what the content of those communications or engagement activities should be. Effective stakeholder engagement software helps an organization operationalize the engagement plan, allowing users to schedule communications and activities, create tasks, and easily track feedback and interactions. The most advanced stakeholder engagement software includes built-in dashboards to help teams monitor progress in real time. 

First, identify your stakeholders and their level of interest in or engagement with the project (unaware, resistant, neutral, supportive, leading), as well as their influence level (very low, low, neutral, high, very high). Use your stakeholder engagement software to create a matrix or template to help you plan out your engagement strategy, which should include the frequency and types of engagement activities. No stakeholder group should be ignored, but some will be more receptive to active engagement, while others are more comfortable seeking out information on their own.  

To effectively engage stakeholders you must focus on their concerns and interests and use appropriate language and tone. Stakeholder engagement software can help ensure that no errors are made in this regard, because everyone on the team has access to each stakeholder’s profile. Software can also help ensure that your messaging is consistent and targeted.

Active listening is also an essential component of engaging with your stakeholders. This includes acknowledging their concerns, checking to be sure you understand them, thanking them for their feedback, incorporating that feedback into your decision-making when possible, and offering your rationale where this is not feasible. Stakeholder engagement software is a strategic tool for organizations that want to engage their stakeholders effectively, as it allows them to minimize stakeholder fatigue and always know where their stakeholders stand. Make full use of stakeholder engagement software to schedule communications and other engagement activities and to record engagement outcomes.  

Regularly review your list of stakeholders, their engagement and interest levels, and the amount of influence they have to ensure that you are engaging with the right people, groups, and organizations in the optimal way. Update these records in your stakeholder engagement software to reflect any changes, so no one in your organization is left in the dark. You should also ensure that you have accessible feedback portals in place, and make use of that feedback to improve your interactions with stakeholders.  

There are many ways to measure stakeholder engagement. The method you choose should be based on your goals for the engagement activity. To measure the effectiveness of communications and outreach, you can use website traffic, social media engagement, and email open rates. For stakeholder perception of your project, surveys and interviews are optimal. If resolving specific issues or concerns raised by stakeholders is a goal, you can measure the time it takes to address and resolve these issues and track the rate of successful issue resolution. Stakeholder engagement software plays a critical role in collecting, summarizing, and analyzing this data while keeping your entire team up to date.

Even small projects can quickly generate a lot of stakeholder engagement data. To use this data effectively, users need access to information that is accurate, complete, and up to date. Many teams initially attempt to manage stakeholder data using traditional tools, like spreadsheets, but while spreadsheets are great for storing data, they lack the checks and balances required to ensure data quality, privacy, and security. For that reason, experienced teams use stakeholder management software, which helps them comply with data privacy regulations, safeguard business reputation, and improve their stakeholder engagement processes to achieve better outcomes. 

Fit-for-purpose tools save time and simplify workload. Stakeholder engagement software serves as a central repository for documents, communications, and commitments to ensure that an organization is prepared to respond quickly to any inquiries or issues that arise. It helps users identify and map stakeholders, track and analyze communications (and other engagement activities), and collect feedback and other input in one place. Some platforms include GIS integration, so teams can visualize stakeholder concerns and issues as they relate to business operations and specific assets. Stakeholder engagement software also simplifies the process of generating reports for stakeholders and regulatory bodies. A good software solution improves visibility and collaboration within an organization, minimizes oversights, and ensures that nothing slips through the cracks.