• Task Managemen


Ensure accountability and improve collaboration with integrated task management

The built-in Task Management tools in Borealis allow users

to create and track actions that need to be performed, both individually and across an organization. This makes it easier to manage activities, improves collaboration, and helps teams see the big picture. Borealis uses AI to uncover hidden insights in your data and recommends tasks as next steps to help teams capitalize on opportunities that may otherwise go unnoticed. You can even export tasks as a calendar to make sure you never miss a beat!

Use this feature if you:

  • Must routinely touch base with stakeholders for monthly progress updates, quarterly town hall meetings, or annual surveys. 
  • Frequently spend time scanning through communication records to identify commitments and action items that require a response. 
  • Need to maintain an auditable record of your team’s daily activities for audits or to ensure accountability.
  • Have tasks that need to be repeated at regular intervals, like managing payments and land agreements, preparing for compliance inspections, applying for permit renewals, or verifying stakeholder records.
  • Use checklists to monitor personal or team progress.

Always know what’s done, what’s coming up, and what’s overdue.

Manage tasks efficiently and systematically in one central location

The Task Management feature in Borealis helps teams manage engagement activities efficiently and strategically. It allows users to schedule regular communication touchpoints, validate stakeholder data, and manage land-related activities systematically. Get started quickly and easily by importing tasks into the system with our Excel import template, and use batch updates to change the status or reassign multiple tasks at a time

Create an accessible, traceable task history to ensure accountability

Centralizing task management in Borealis creates an accessible action history that documents who did what, and when. Properly documenting these interactions establishes as a lasting corporate memory, so knowledge is not lost if an employee leaves the organization. Well-documented historical data is a huge asset for organizations that helps build trust with stakeholders and safeguard professional reputation. Tasks can even be exported as PDF format. 

Automatically create recurring tasks

Some tasks recur on a regular basis. If you need to send monthly progress updates, manage permit renewals and land agreements, or conduct yearly audits, there’s no need to manually create the next task every time. Simply configure tasks to recur at the desired interval. Borealis will automatically schedule the next occurrence when the existing task is completed, pre-populating fields that can be modified as needed. 

Monitor progress with task completion checklists

Standardize your process with task checklists to ensure that all necessary steps are completed consistently, no matter who a task is assigned to. Manage regular touchpoints with stakeholders, land-related activities, public relations and government outreach efforts, to ensure that each step of the compliance process is carefully documented.  

Link tasks to specific activities

Create stand-alone tasks, or link them to other records like Engagement Plans and stakeholder interactions for a holistic view of project and engagement activities. Use the “Activities” feature to automatically create appropriate tasks when you link stakeholders to an Engagement Plan.  

Identify key insights with help from AI

Borealis uses AI to extract hidden insights in your data and suggest actions to help keep your engagement activities on track. This informs users to make data-driven decisions, showing stakeholders that you keep your commitments. AI Insights can be seamlessly translated into tasks, saving time and helping drive meaningful stakeholder engagement. 

data management

How do your data management practices measure up?

When it comes to managing stakeholder data, organizations can be classified into four levels of maturity. Check out this simple diagnostic to identify your data management maturity level, and what you can do to reach the next level!

Task Management is a feature of our core Stakeholder Engagement module

The Borealis Stakeholder Engagement Module helps teams simplify and standardize their processes to build trust with stakeholders and improve engagement outcomes. Plan, record, monitor and measure your engagement activities and centralize the data on a single platform that is instantly accessible from any device. 

  • Always know who your stakeholders are and where they stand 
  • Build engagement plans based on reliable data 
  • Record and track all issues, engagements and commitments 
  • Task Management
  • Image-mosaique-borealis team

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