Stakeholder Engagement Strategy

Streamline stakeholder acceptance and project approval

Improve engagement outcomes by implementing the stakeholder management
methodology advocated by global best practices. See how Borealis software makes it easy.


Plan - Engage - Measure

Stakeholder engagement teams around the world rely on Borealis’ proven methodology to:

  • Engage stakeholders more effectively
  • Demonstrate compliance
  • Secure social acceptance

It’s never too soon – or too late – to improve your stakeholder management methodology

We can help you every step of the way.

Intelligent Stakeholder Assessment


Create a proactive engagement plan built on
a clear understanding of stakeholders and issues

  • Identify & analyze all stakeholders, concerns, issues, and grievances to assess their influence and relevance
  • Map stakeholders along with all social and geographical factors for a visual overview of all issues by location
  • Use these insights to create engagement plans and strategies by linking them with tasks and workflows


Engage stakeholders with access to complete records
to avoid oversights or being blindsided

  • Record all stakeholder data and engagement activities, including emails, photos, texts, social media posts, and documents
  • Streamline engagements with stakeholders using their preferred method of communication (face-to-face, phone call, email, text message, etc.)
  • Track all engagements, grievances, commitments and follow-ups to create a lasting institutional memory


Monitor your progress, demonstrate compliance to external stakeholders and prove the value of your efforts to head office

  • Analyze data and track KPIs to always know exactly where your project stands
  • Use these insights to adjust strategies as needed to positively influence regulations or high-stake issues
  • Empower timely and informed decision-making by creating customized, professional reports that include maps, graphs, calendars, tables and indicators in just a few clicks

Improve your stakeholder management strategies and practices

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